Elite Training Center is closed on Saturday 17th & Monday 19th
for Presidents Day.

Muay Thai Kickboxing Gym Redondo Beach, CA

Muay Thai Kickboxing

Our Muay Thai Kickboxing Gym offers classes for all ages & skill levels. Our classes cover the basics of impact, movement, & body positioning. Muay Thai is known for its extreme physical conditioning. The muay thai classes normally begin with an intense warm-up which includes jumping rope, shadow boxing, and other bodyweight exercises.

This past weekend Elite Training Center had a Muay Thai promotion for their kickboxing class.  Everyone who participated, supporters and testers alike, did an excellent job. This past Muay Thai kickboxing promotion was physically hard, but everyone pushed themselves and got through it. As we all move forward in our training it is important to remember that in mixed martial arts, you have to build a mindset that allows you to not only push yourself through physical and mental hardship but most importantly being able to stay positive through it (and have the empathy to help others through their hardships). This mindset isn’t acquired overnight but through years of consistent training.  It is also a mindset that will not only benefit you in martial arts but in every aspect of your life. Every time you step on the mat try to keep this in mind. Contact us to try Muay Thai Kickboxing.

~Isaiah Harris

Elite Training Center Redondo Beach
1628 South Pacific Coast Highway,
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

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