Elite Training Center is closed on Saturday 17th & Monday 19th
for Presidents Day.

Martial Arts Training…Don’t Train While Sick!!

Martial Arts Training

I remember a time when I was training and the girl I partnered with hacked into her arm, told me, “I’m sooo sick,” and then proceeded to work on clinching with me for the rest of class.  Needless to say, my attempt at holding my breath the entire class was a bust and I ended up getting sick, losing a week of my training time to sickness and another week to taking care of my kids who ended up with the same cold the next week.

As everyone knows, this has been an exceptionally severe cold and flu season.  Please do yourself and your training partners a favor and stay away if you’re feeling under the weather!  This is especially important when you first feel that sore throat or general malaise that means an illness is imminent…you’re very contagious at this early stage!  Martial Arts Training isn’t like other sports; there’s too much contact to train while sick.  Close contact in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), and Krav Maga is a given, but you can get someone sick in Muay Thai kickboxing too.  Sweat ends up on your partner from gloves and mitts, and let’s not forget the clinch.

If you really feel that “sweating it out” is the best thing for your body, go for a run!  Nobody likes to miss training, but we promise you that we will be here when you recover.  If everyone follows this simple rule then we’ll all be healthier and training more often.


Elite Training Center
1628 South Pacific Coast Highway,
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 543-1600

Martial Arts Training

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Martial Arts Training

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